South Jersey Divorce Solutions

Parenting Coordination

Parenting coordination in New Jersey is not new, as family courts have appointed parenting coordinators for over 15 years. However, the State Supreme Court issued formal guidelines governing their training and functions in September 2023. South Jersey Divorce Solutions helps families address concerns and resolve disputes through the New Jersey Parenting Coordinator Program.

The Role of New Jersey Parenting Coordinators

This program is created to assist parents in implementing their parenting plan and resolving daily parenting issues with the help of an impartial third party. For instance, if one parent wishes to modify the court-ordered visitation schedule and the other parent disagrees, the Parenting Coordinator would communicate with each parent to facilitate an agreement and provide recommendations if they cannot reach a mutual decision.

What Do Parenting Coordinators Do?

Your professionally trained, neutral parenting coordinator has specific roles to make conflict resolution easier and less divisive. Your parenting coordinator from South Jersey Divorce Solutions can:

  • Facilitate communication focusing on your family’s best interests
  • Reduce misunderstandings
  • Create a process for parents to reach a mutual compromise
  • Avoid costly and timely court litigation
  • Issue binding recommendations on specific issues under prescribed circumstances

Schedule a consultation with South Jersey Divorce Solutions to discover how parenting coordinators can help your family.

What Can Parenting Coordinators NOT Do?

In the past, parenting coordinators could issue binding orders and make changes to agreements without a court hearing. The new clarification states that parenting coordinators “shall not have authority to make recommendations regarding financial issues or modify legal and physical custody.” They are not judges and cannot arbitrarily make temporary custody changes.

The guidelines also state, “The appointment of a Parenting Coordinator shall not affect the court’s jurisdiction in any aspect of the case, including custody, parenting time or support, and its management and control of the case.”

However, a parenting coordinator may recommend an action or arrangement that can become binding. If a parent disagrees, they must file an objection with the court. Parents may not simply ignore recommendations with which they disagree.

New Help with Dispute Resolution

Parenting coordination is a method of alternative dispute resolution similar to mediation but with some crucial differences.

  • Parenting coordinators in New Jersey must complete at least 40 hours of classroom training covering basic mediation skills, family and child development, high-conflict family situations, domestic violence, the psychology of divorce, and related topics. They must also complete at least four hours of annual continuing education.
  • Unlike mediation, parenting coordination is not confidential; your coordinator may testify in court if necessary.
  • Parenting coordinators advocate for the children’s best interests in all cases; they remain neutral toward the parents.
  • Parenting coordinators recommend solutions to parents or their attorneys, not directly to the court.
  • Parenting coordinators must document in writing all recommendations and agreements made by the parties and communicate this information simultaneously to both parties.
  • You may request a court-chosen coordinator, choose one yourself, or the court can appoint one as it deems necessary.
  • Parenting coordinators can work with you for a specific period or indefinitely.

When Would I Need Co-Parent Counseling?

While “co-parent counseling” is a popular term for parenting coordination, it is not therapy or counseling in the traditional sense. Your trained and experienced parenting coordinator provides seasoned guidance and support for resolving family and parenting conflicts. Parenting coordination is recommended for situations with:

  • Frequent conflict
  • Personality clashes
  • Communication barriers or problems
  • Emotional instability
  • Parental alienation
  • Blaming behaviors
  • High degrees of suspicion
  • Substance abuse
  • Other negative behaviors

In short, parenting coordination from South Jersey Divorce Solutions is aimed at parents facing serious conflict or whose emotional issues affect their parenting.

Parenting Coordination with South Jersey Divorce Solutions

Has the court recommended a Parenting Coordinator in your case? Do you and the other parent believe a Parenting Coordinator could help you make better parenting decisions? Melissa Fecak, Esq., at South Jersey Divorce Solutions, is happy to answer your questions. Call (856) 733-0229 or contact us online to schedule a confidential consultation in Merchantville, Camden County, New Jersey.    

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16 N. Centre St. 2nd Fl.
Merchantville, NJ 08109


(856) 733-0229