Reducing Conflict With Divorce And Family Mediation
Kids too often suffer harm in a divorce because of high conflict between parents. Thankfully, collaborative divorce, mediation and negotiated agreements reduce conflict among the parties and are therefore the most effective strategies for shielding children from any potential negative consequences of divorce conflict.
At South Jersey Divorce Solutions, we are proud to help clients resolve their family law disputes peacefully utilizing these alternatives to litigation.
Why Choose Mediation?
Mediation is a way for spouses to resolve their issues with the assistance of a neutral person outside of court. Each person may have his or her attorney present, or the couple can mediate without their attorneys in the room. In mediation, the spouses have a great amount of control over the outcome as they are the ones making the decisions.
One of the benefits of mediation is that it is a confidential process. Couples are able to divorce with dignity, knowing that their privacy is preserved throughout the mediation process. Courts are generally open to the public, so anyone can witness your divorce. Mediation offers a safe space where personal and possibly embarrassing concerns can be disclosed without others knowing your business. Privacy can provide you with greater comfort in being completely forthcoming while in mediation. Confidentiality encourages you and your spouse to be more forthcoming with one another.
Couples who mediate appreciate that they are the ones making the decisions. Mediation provides you with the tools to discuss with your spouse your goals and needs in order to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. Using honest and thoughtful negotiation, the spouses can create a solution that they believe will work best for their family regarding the division of marital property, creating a custody solution and parenting plan or establishing spousal support, if needed .
What Does Mediation Require Of The Parties?
In order for you to be successful in mediation, you need to be willing to be forthcoming and provide complete disclosure regarding assets and debts. Mediation requires the cooperation of both parties. Both you and your spouse must be open about your finances and other important issues. Your ability to mediate depends on your ability to agree to be honest and open.
Success in mediation is also dependent on how well you and your spouse communicate. You must be able to speak openly and freely in front of each other. It is not just about speaking, it is also about listening to what the other has to say. The communication skills that you utilize in mediation (or during collaborative divorce) will also help you work together as co-parents post-divorce. If you feel that you can communicate openly with your spouse, divorce mediation may be the right process for you.
What The Firm Can Do For You
Our attorneys work with couples and help them divorce on their terms. As an experienced, trained mediator, Melissa Fecak, Esq., provides couples with creative solutions and thoughtful insight to allow them to come to a resolution. Melissa is on the court roster for Rule 1:40 Post MESP Economic Mediation. Prior to determining what divorce process may work best for you, Melissa will do an assessment with you so that you can consider all of your options.
If you have mediated your divorce or another family issue with another mediator, Melissa can assist you in taking your negotiated terms and put them into a marital settlement agreement. Your understanding of the agreed-upon terms should be reviewed with an attorney to make sure that the agreement is in your best interest. Melissa can help with that. She can also prepare all of the necessary documents and pleadings to put your divorce through in the courts.
Contact Us Today To Get Started
To arrange your initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney, call our office in Merchantville at (856) 733-0229. You can also fill out our online contact form.
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