Rules and Considerations for child custody relocation
On behalf of South Jersey Divoce Solutions | Apr 8, 2022 | Child Custody
When a couple gets a divorce, it is common for one or both parties to move to another city or state. If the ex-couple has children, the best interest of those children should be taken into account before relocating. If you live in New Jersey, here are some important things to keep in mind when it comes to relocation and child custody.
Reasons for moving
You may be frightened at the thought of your other child’s parent moving far away, especially if that parent wants to take the children with them. If you’re thinking about moving, you may be wondering about the right time to relocate.
The type of physical and legal child custody you have will depend on state laws and how involved the courts were in your custody arrangement. The courts will consider the best interests of the child and some reasons for relocation are more substantial than others in court.
Factors considered in court
The courts will expect the parent who is moving to notify the other parent in a timely manner. It is unlawful to keep the noncustodial parent away from the child under normal, safe circumstances. If you’re planning on moving far away, you should receive permission from the courts and the child’s other parent.
Child custody courts will also consider whether the move will significantly disrupt the child’s life, whether the child wants to move, whether the relocation is done in good faith, and how far the parent is moving away.
Parents should work to reach a custody agreement that both parties are comfortable with before deciding to relocate. The well-being of the children should always be considered before parents make any major life decisions.