South Jersey Divorce Solutions

Divorce Options, Divorce Solutions

A Firm Offering Skilled Guidance In Divorce And Other Family Law Matters

Any family law matter feels personal and will have a significant impact on your life. Therefore, it is critical to find a skilled attorney who is also a good fit for your issues. After reading about our services on this page, we invite you to contact us to learn more about how we can help you and your family.

South Jersey Divorce Solutions offers legal services and guidance in all aspects of family law. Our team has several decades of combined legal experience. We are know for offering personalized attention to clients and customizing our representation based on each client’s needs and goals. Whether you hope to settle your dispute using mediation or think you will need to litigate in court, we have the experience and skill you need.

Experienced Representation In Litigated Divorce

In some contested divorce matters, couples are unable to resolve all of their issues and need to proceed with litigation to dissolve the marriage. With litigation, there is a perception that the divorce occurs completely in court. The reality of divorce litigation is that the majority of couples (approximately 97%) settle many, if not all, of their issues without the need for a trial.

Litigation is just one of the ways that couples can use to divorce. For some couples, it may be the best or only option. When there is a history of domestic violence or abuse, couples are limited to litigation. Divorce litigation may also be the only option when parties are unable to communicate openly or if there is a significant amount of mistrust between parties. Most couples getting divorced proceed with litigation. This may be because the couple did not realize that they had other options. In other cases, litigation helps the couple to divorce.

Some of the advantages of litigation are:

  • The court can hold a noncomplying spouse accountable.
  • There is formal discovery, including depositions, subpoenas and interrogatories.
  • There is a time frame that both parties need to follow.
  • Relief can be granted/issues can be resolved even if you and your spouse do not agree.

We help our clients to navigate through the divorce process as painlessly as possible. Each of our attorneys is a strong, compassionate negotiator and advocate to support you through the divorce. We do not take the approach of attacking everything in hopes of making something stick. Rather, it is our approach to help you work toward your goals and needs while protecting you and your family.

Advocating For Your Kids In Child Support And Custody Matters

Two of the biggest issues for parents who are separating or divorcing are custody of the children and financial support. Custody is more than where the children live – it is about decision-making and raising the children. Just because you are separating does not mean your children are out of your (or your ex’s) lives. The children have a right to be protected and to have a relationship with both parents.

Part of the custody discussion involves parenting time. For your parenting plan to be successful, it should follow the needs and interests of you, your children and the other parent. Through mindful negotiations and out-of-the-box solutions, Melissa helps parents to negotiate or litigate a parenting plan that works for the family.

In those cases where you are unable to work out parenting time through mediation, there is litigation. A judge will make decisions regarding custody and parenting time, as well as address other issues like education. No matter how you resolve the differences in parenting time and custody, the focus is on the children’s best interests.

Child support is for the financial expenses of the children. In New Jersey, it is generally calculated based on the Child Support Guidelines. Child support covers part of the child’s expenses, such as housing, food, clothing and other basic needs. There are additional expenses such as health care, child care, extracurricular activities and educational costs which may be calculated separately.

Child support guidelines are just that: guidelines. While most times the guidelines may be a good solution, they do not work for every situation. If you have a child with special needs, medical concerns or educational issues, there may be a need for additional support. This is also true when a child has special skills or may be gifted.

Our attorneys work with parents to resolve the issues of custody, parenting time and child support without the adversarial tactics that can inhibit successful co-parenting. We strive to protect the children and preserve the parents’ relationships while making sure to address the children’s needs.

We Can Help You Create A Thorough Prenuptial Agreement

No one enters a marriage expecting that divorce will happen. When a divorce occurs, spouses often lament that they did not take steps to protect themselves before the marriage. Our firm assists parties with the drafting and review of prenuptial agreements. These agreements address:

  • How premarital assets will be treated
  • The distribution of marital assets
  • Spousal support
  • Any other financial issues in the event of a divorce

In addition to representing individuals, our attorneys work with couples through mediation to help them negotiate the terms of a prenup. Mediation allows the couple to come up with the terms of their prenuptial themselves and reduces the stress and pressure.

Post-Judgment Modifications To Court Orders

Unfortunately, even after the divorce is final, you may need to return to court for assistance. We can assist in negotiating a settlement before making an application to the court. If the matter cannot be resolved this way, we can file or defend against motions or other court applications. Some of the matters that may be addressed post-divorce are:

  • Child support modifications
  • Modification, suspension or termination of alimony
  • Change in custody
  • Modification of parenting time
  • Enforcement of support
  • Enforcement of terms of marital settlement agreement
  • Division of retirement plans

Whether you are seeking a change or trying to prevent one, we are ready to vigorously argue your position to a judge.

Help With Adoption And Services For Blended Families

Adoption can be one of the greatest expressions of love. This expression comes with financial and legal commitments and obligations. Our attorneys work with clients to navigate the legal proceedings in the adoption process. We can assist with prospective parents, stepparents and other family members who are seeking to adopt a child. We are not an agency, but we can work with the agency to finalize the adoptions through the courts.
We are proud to represent clients with diverse and unique family situations, including same-sex couples looking to adopt or who need help resolving family law issues common in the LGBTQ+ community.

Contact A Skilled Family Law Attorney Today

To schedule your initial consultation, contact South Jersey Divorce Solutions in Merchantville, by calling (856) 733-0229. You can also reach out online.

How Can We Help With Your Family Law Issue?

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16 N. Centre St. 2nd Fl.
Merchantville, NJ 08109


(856) 733-0229